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Summer Events at Finham Library


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Did you know there are some fantastic events happening at Finham Library over the summer?

Call 02476 786974 to book your place in advance!

Monday 16th August | 10:30am - Fly away - Rockets and Planes (£3 pp)

Tuesday 17th August | 10:30am - Fun Science Event - UV Beads and PH (ages 7+, £3 pp)

Tuesday 17th August | 2:30pm - Bugs and more... make your own Bug Hotel (£3 pp) 

Thursday 19th August | 2:30pm - Board Game Fun (Free!)

Monday 23rd August | 10:30am - Create your own Jungle Animal (£3 pp) 

Monday 23rd August | 2:30pm - Board Game Fun (Free!)

Tuesday 24th August | 10:30am - Fun Science Event - Lava Lamps (ages 7+, £3 pp) 

You can find out more on the Facebook Events Page.

About Finham Library

Click here to check out the Finham Community Library's website! Over the last few years the trustees and volunteers  have worked extremely hard to transform a slightly tired but much-loved building into a thriving community hub. They have increased the numbers of activities for children and added some adult-centred groups who meet regularly in the newly refurbished library. 

You are warmly invited to come and visit whether you want to borrow a book or not and see what you think. The space has been redesigned to allow regular activities and the team have added a small cafe area where you can enjoy a (nice) coffee with friends or you can bring your laptop, log on to our free wi-fi and work away or catch up with your emails!


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