Coventry Rocks

Playdays | Allesley

This gorgeous playgroup in Allesley is suitable for babies, toddlers and pre-schoolers.

Playdays | Baby and Toddler Groups in Allesley

  • Timetable: Thursdays 10am-11am (term time with some sessions during school holidays) 
  • Venue: Allesley Village Hall, 118 Birmingham Road, Allesley, CV5 9GX 
  • Price: £6 per session for 1 adult and up to 2 children (£1.50 each for extra adults or children who may attend) Includes refreshments
  • Booking: Reserve a space at (payment info on the booking website). 
  • You can email or call 07947 249695 for more information.

Playdays offers a relaxed, friendly, informal stay and play type session where mums, dads, grandparents or carers can meet and chat to other adults whilst children play in a safe environment.  

There is a baby area which has plenty of sensory based toys for your little one to explore and a toy area for toddlers and pre-schoolers with lots of choice of items to play with as well as a colouring corner and book area.  

Refreshments are included in the cost and this includes a selection of a hot/cold drinks, biscuits and cakes. The session ends with a little singing and dancing to popular action songs/nursery rhymes. 

Childminders are welcome.

Part of Jill Purser Theatre School.


You can reserve a space via then please email or call 07947 249695 for the payment details for a bank transfer. Payment secures your booking. There are 15 spaces available per session. Refunds or a credit will be granted for any sessions we have to cancel due to unforeseen circumstances. 


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