Coventry Rocks

STEM Club for Home Educators | Bedworth

At STEM Goes Wild, we are passionate about sparking young imaginations through hands-on, interactive STEM (Science + Technology + Engineering + Mathematics) workshops. Our mission is to nurture a love for learning by bringing the wonders of science, technology, engineering, and math to life in a fun and engaging way. 

STEM Goes Wild | Science Club for Home Educators in Bedworth

  • Timetable: Tuesdays 10:30am - 12:00pm (term time only)
  • Suitable for: ages 5 - 15+
  • Venue: Bedworth Heath Community Centre, Smorrall Lane, Bedworth CV12 0JN 
  • Price:  £10.50 per session | £9.00 with block booking
  • Booking: Book your session here.

STEM Goes Wild runs fun and engaging STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Maths) sessions specifically designed for home-educated children of all ages, facilitated by passionate educators. These sessions spark curiosity and a love for learning by providing hands-on experiments, engineering challenges, and creative problem-solving activities that make science accessible and exciting. Our approach is all about encouraging young minds to explore, investigate, and play while learning about the world around them.

STEM Goes Wild sessions take place in venues with both indoor and outdoor spaces, so children can enjoy experiments and challenges whatever the weather. We explore concepts like forces, electricity, chemistry, and engineering, and children usually take home something they've built or created at each session, inspiring further exploration, and excitement at home.

We also welcome SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities) families, ensuring our sessions are inclusive and adaptable to suit every child's needs. In addition, we provide weekend workshops, holiday events, after-school clubs for primary-aged children, and adults only sessions. STEM Goes Wild can create a bespoke science-themed party to celebrate your child’s special day, making it an unforgettable hands-on experience. Check our page for more information on our various STEM adventures!

Browse all STEM goes Wild offer here.

September - October term topics:

November - December term topics:

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